

Contact the Schlumberger Limited Board | 全国快3信誉最好的老平台-全国最大的快3平台

Contact the Schlumberger Limited Board

Three people in a conference room

If you wish to communicate with the Schlumberger Limited Board of Directors, one or more of its members, or the Schlumberger Limited Audit Committee, please use one of the following options:

Write to the Board or a Member
Schlumberger Board of Directors
(or Name of Board Member)
Care of the Schlumberger Limited Secretary
Schlumberger Limited
5599 San Felipe, 17th Floor
Houston, Texas 77056

Write to the Audit Committee
Schlumberger Audit Committee
Care of the Schlumberger Limited Secretary
Schlumberger Limited
5599 San Felipe, 17th Floor
Houston, Texas 77056 

Any complaints or concerns relating to the Company's accounting, internal accounting controls, or auditing matters should be addressed to the Chair of the Audit Committee. Other concerns and communications, except sales-related information, will be referred by the Secretary of Schlumberger Limited to the general Board or the designated Board member. Any complaint or concern can be reported anonymously or confidentially.
