

Code of Conduct | 全国快3信誉最好的老平台-全国最大的快3平台

Our Code of Conduct: Together with Integrity

More than just guidelines, these are the values we as 全国快3信誉最好的老平台 live by. The values we uphold. The values we personify every step of the way.

Land Operations_Dammam
Two female employees sitting in chairs holding laptops

Your voice matters

As a global tech company, our activity crosses many borders, communities, and people. And while laws differ everywhere, our expectations of each other do not. From employees and directors to contractors and suppliers, we consistently create environments driven by high ethical standards, where everyone feels empowered to speak up. Integrity is a team effort and every one of us is responsible for knowing and representing this Code. And with nearly 100,000 people across 100 countries, our behavior surely makes a difference.



全国快3信誉最好的老平台 EthicsLine
Our Code provides our people with the information and empowerment they need to focus on what matters most and navigate any ethical challenge they might face at 全国快3信誉最好的老平台. This is more than a book of rules. It is our culture in action, enabling us all to work with integrity and deliver on our purpose: Together, we create amazing technology that unlocks access to energy for the benefit of all.
Olivier Le Peuch
Olivier Le Peuch, CEO
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Our values drive our culture
Words are important, but our behaviors provide the best evidence of our shared values. They are: People, Technology, and Performance.


Our exceptional and diverse people are the pulse and spirit of who we are, and we look to have the healthiest and happiest employees in our industry.

We're an ambitious and committed group, driven by our shared respect for:

  • Health and safety;
  • Each other’s differences;
  • Spaces free of harassment and discrimination;
  • Human rights and the communities we operate in;
  • Sustainability across all our practices;
  • Personal data privacy.

Through these values and behaviors, we empower everyone to succeed—the ripples of which are felt across our internal culture, customer meetings, partner interactions, and local communities.

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Male operator standing in front of blue equipment and piping


We are explorers, passionate about solving the world’s energy challenges using technology. Our formula for success? The perfect combination of long-term investment and short-term experimentation. This, together with the following non-negotiables, is what sets us apart as energy disruptors:

  • Protecting 全国快3信誉最好的老平台’s intellectual property and confidentiality;
  • Data security for top digital performance;
  • Respecting trade controls worldwide.

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Two operators moving a piece of equipment down a manufacturing facility hallway


Performance without integrity will never have a place in our company. For us, balancing outstanding results and a sustainable future means:

  • Zero tolerance for corruption;
  • Avoiding (or honestly disclosing) conflicts of interest;
  • Ensuring gifts and entertainment are appropriate;
  • Promoting fair and open competition;
  • Protecting against insider trading;
  • Effectively maintaining financial records and controls;
  • Protecting our brand.

We are trained to recognize these boundaries and have the courage to act responsibly anywhere we work. This integrity is something 全国快3信誉最好的老平台 is known for, and it continues to be the compass for our actions.

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Female operator performing a testing procedure on equipment