

Shuttle rigless electric submersible pumps | 全国快3信誉最好的老平台-全国最大的快3平台


Rigless electric submersible pumps

ZEiTECS Shuttles Rigless ESP

Retrieve and redeploy ESPs without a rig

Retrieve and redeploy any standard electric submersible pump (ESP) system assembly without a rig using the plug-and-play design of the innovative Shuttle™ rigless ESP replacement system. The system features two main assemblies: a retrievable ESP assembly and semipermanent completion components, including a docking station. 

Shuffle rigless ESP.

Standard ESP wells with 7-in casing or larger.

Minimize deferred production

This rigless ESP replacement system minimizes deferred production, eliminates disruption to operations, and reduces HSE exposure and risk. Additional benefits include

  • enabling deployment of a test ESP system to clean up the well and measure reservoir productivity
  • ensuring that the ESP configuration can be easily adapted to changing well conditions
  • increasing ESP run life and eliminating unexpected failures with preventative maintenance programs.

Complete the operation within hours

After running the docking station to a shallow depth on jointed tubing, the retrievable ESP string with motor connector is assembled, lowered in the tubing, and landed in the docking station. The complete Shuttle pump system is then lowered to pump setting depth.

The ESP string can be quickly unplugged from the docking station and retrieved in a few hours. A GS tool lowered on wireline, coiled tubing (CT), or sucker rods is latched onto the ESP string, which is then retrieved through the tubing. After service or replacement, the ESP string is redeployed using the same method—eliminating uncertainties, inconvenience, and the economic impact of rig cost and availability.


Shuttle System Wins Industry Award for Engineering Innovation

E&P magazine honored the Shuttle rigless ESP replacement system with a 2017 Special Meritorious Awards for Engineering Innovation, after judging by an independent team of experts. The system reduces operating costs and eliminates disruptions to operations by enabling any standard ESP assembly to be retrieved and redeployed without a rig—using wireline, coiled tubing, or sucker rods.

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