

Insulating Packer Fluids | Flow Assurance, Well Integrity | 全国快3信誉最好的老平台-全国最大的快3平台

Packer Fluids

Block heat transfer to maintain flow assurance and maximize well integrity

Texture Subsea Blue

Maintain production flow and well integrity in cold temperatures

Insulating packer fluids are designed to control heat conduction and convection on production in cold-temperature, deepwater, and arctic environments. They can help to prevent wax buildup, hydrate formation, and salt deposition in both deepwater and onshore wells, and they limit temperature cycling effects that risk casing collapse or casing/cement bond integrity.

Ideal fluids will be compatible with a wide range of elastomers and fluids and with your surface-processing equipment while also inhibiting corrosion.

Our modeling software enables simulation and modeling of fluid thermal behavior to help you manage risks for production and shut-in scenarios.

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