

FlexSTIM Offshore Stimulation | Vessels | 全国快3信誉最好的老平台-全国最大的快3平台


Offshore modular stimulation system

FlexSTIM modular offshore stimulation system

Deploy flexible, high-capacity stimulation systems rapidly

In almost all offshore operations, stimulation vessels are in high demand, but there is limited access. Where no purpose-built fracturing vessel is available, the FlexSTIM offshore modular stimulation system provides exceptional flexibility, capacity, and response time. Schlumberger has completed more than a dozen FlexSTIM system rigups in areas as diverse as the Arabian Gulf, Caspian Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Indian Ocean, South China Sea, and South Atlantic Ocean.

The FlexSTIM system can be designed and implemented in less than 4 weeks from the order date. Its capacity can be tailored to meet specific operator needs—a standard 900-m2 deck area supply vessel can be molded for capacities up to 13,500 hhp, 12,600 ft3 of proppant storage, and 160,000 galUS of concentrated acid capacity. This combination of flexibility, capacity, and rapid turnaround time is unparalleled, even for dedicated stimulation execution.

FlexSTIM modular offshore stimulation system
The modular system can be laid out and components added or eliminated to suit your stimulation requirements.

The FlexSTIM system has been used to deliver customer projects on time and within budget constraints in challenging environments around the world.


Halul-48 is a supply vessel fitted with storage, mixing, and pumping equipment based on Schlumberger’s FlexSTIM modular offshore stimulation system. The ship was designed and converted in the State of Qatar in record time with local partners under the highest service and environmental standards.

On the Halul-48, all phases of the stimulation treatment are handled remotely from a central control room. Continuous monitoring and control of critical parameters ensure the highest degree of quality control and assurance. Using these advanced new-technology fluid systems with on-the-fly mixing capabilities optimizes production returns. The Halul-48 was surveyed by the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) to meet well stimulation classification, recognizing it as capable of delivering stimulation services worldwide.

Image of the Halul-48 well stimulation vessel.
FlexSTIM modular offshore stimulation system

Greatship Ramya

Greatship Ramya has completed more than 1,200 efficient, effective stimulation treatments and well testing operations in Indian waters since 2015. From simple acid stimulation to complex fracturing operations, the onboard equipment and experienced crew and engineers ensure maximum efficiency and effectiveness.

Based on the FlexSTIM modular offshore stimulation system, the Greatship Ramya includes four distinct equipment packages to maximize efficiency of proppant pumping, acid stimulation (matrix or fracturing), nitrogen pumping, and surface well testing operations. The unique well testing capability enables the vessel to not only perform stimulation treatments but also flow back wells to achieve stable production and measure the results. In addition, the modularity of the second-generation FlexSTIM system provides the flexibility to perform modifications to increase specifications to meet operational requirements in a short time frame.

Pacific 68

The Pacific 68 stimulation vessel increases availability of high-quality offshore stimulation with performance and specifications specifically designed for initial completions or revival and enhancement operations in the UAE.

Designed using the FlexSTIM modular offshore stimulation system, the Pacific 68 was delivered in just 3 months after contract award with equipment configured to suit local stimulation requirements. This makes it an ideal example of how Schlumberger can deliver the performance quality, safety, and logistics required for offshore stimulation operations in the UAE—without the expense and availability challenges of a dedicated stimulation vessel.

From acid and nitrogen storage volumes to containment features that help control risks related to tank locations, the Pacific 68 is designed for wells needing matrix acidizing and nitrogen lift to stimulate production.

FlexSTIM modular offshore stimulation system
For offshore stimulation, the Skipsey Tide vessel delivers acid and other fluids with pumps that deliver up to 6,650 hhp.

Skipsey Tide

Skipsey Tide is an offshore supply vessel that has been outfitted with storage, mixing, and pumping equipment, using the FlexSTIM system. Skipsey Tide was surveyed by ABS and complies with the relevant sections of the ABS Offshore Stimulation Vessel Rules to maintain classification status to perform well stimulation operations. The vessel is capable of delivering stimulation services worldwide.

The Skipsey Tide is capable of staying on station in challenging sea conditions. Bow and stern thrusters maximize maneuverability when controlled by the proven Kongsberg K-Pos dynamic positioning system. They enable the vessel to automatically maintain station to platforms, semisubs, and jackup rigs.
