

Multistage Hydraulic Fracturing | Shale and Tight Sand | 全国快3信誉最好的老平台-全国最大的快3平台

Fracturing Services

Maximize production from low-permeability reservoirs

Fracturing Services

Extend your reach—and your oil and gas production—in tight sand and shales

Whether you need to stimulate production from a few vertical wells or a full field of horizontal multistage wells, maximize your oil and gas production potential with efficient, high-conductivity fractures that extend deep into the reservoir—but avoid detrimental frac hits, or water or gas zones.

For initial completions and hydraulic fracturing in new wells or restimulation and refrac campaigns in mature fields, you can trust Schlumberger for the most effective services and integrated campaigns for your well or field. With fluid systems that match your conventional or unconventional reservoir and proppant designs that maximize fracture conductivity, our broad range of available technologies means we can match your requirements for economics, efficiency, and environmental stewardship.

Schlumberger worker on rigsite during fracturing services operation.

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