

Fulcrum Cement-Conveyed Frac Performance Technology | Fracturing | 全国快3信誉最好的老平台-全国最大的快3平台


Cement-conveyed frac performance technology

Delivered during cementing, Fulcrum technology interacts with residual nonaqueous fluid (NAF) left after drilling to reduce the potential for frac fluid communication through channels.

Improve multistage fracturing efficiency and stage delivery

When you complete a multistage horizontal well, you expect each stage to produce a specific segment of the reservoir. It doesn’t always work that way, for many reasons, some of which you can’t control. But you can control one big problem—fracturing fluid migration through drilling fluid channels—with Fulcrum cement-conveyed frac performance technology.

Fulcrum technology improves stimulation efficiency by helping keep fracturing fluid and hydraulic pressure in the intended reservoir zone. If your fracturing fluid migrates through channels behind the casing into a different zone, the targeted reservoir doesn’t receive its intended treatment. That means you wasted a frac, and the stage doesn’t contribute the production you expected.

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Fulcrum CTA logs

Montage Resources Improves Zonal Isolation and Cement Bond

Fulcrum technology improves stage-to-stage isolation, resulting in higher fracture breakdown pressures, Ohio.

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Fulcrum fracture technology.
Fulcrum technology improves fracturing performance by reacting with NAF to limit its mobility and improve resistance to out-of-zone fracturing fluid flow.

Optimize fracture extension in unconventional wells

The fluid migration problem is most commonly seen in long horizontal wells where casing centralization, rotation, and reciprocation are limited—a good description of most shale and unconventional wells. Under those conditions, even the best cementing practices can leave some drilling fluid in channels behind the casing, impeding zonal isolation.

Delivered during cementing, Fulcrum technology interacts with residual nonaqueous fluid (NAF) left after drilling to reduce the potential for frac fluid communication through channels. That improves stage-to-stage isolation, so fracturing fluids intended for one zone can’t easily reach a different one. The result: more efficient fracturing, less waste, and stimulation performance that more closely matches your designs.

Cement-conveyed frac performance technology