

WellWatcher Flux Multizonal Reservoir Monitoring System | 全国快3信誉最好的老平台-全国最大的快3平台

WellWatcher Flux

Multizonal reservoir monitoring system

WellWatcher Flux multizonal reservoir monitoring system

Enhance recovery and reservoir management with continuous, realtime sandface measurement

Characterize reservoir flow continuously and in real time without interventions or production interruptions using the WellWatcher Flux multizonal reservoir monitoring system. This system successfully addresses the challenge of acquiring reservoir data in real time across the sandface of wells with multistage completions.

With a single wellhead penetration, you can multidrop conventional quartz pressure and temperature gauges or arrays of up to 60 miniaturized digital temperature sensors distributed along both the sandface and the upper completion. These sensors provide the highest-resolution temperature measurements in the industry.

High tolerance for debris and vibration makes the system particularly suitable for multistage deepwater completions, where intervention costs and risks are high.

WellWatcher Flux multizonal reservoir monitoring system
WellWatcher Flux multizonal reservoir monitoring system
Understand flow profiles—zone performance, water or gas breakthrough, and zonal crossflow—without choking production or performing interventions.

Monitor even complex completions wirelessly

Complex completions installed in two parts consist of a lower completion containing the gravel-pack assembly across the production zone and an upper completion containing the packer and production tubing. Connecting electric downhole cables between the two zones is problematic and therefore traditionally, sensors have not been deployed across the reservoir interval of the lower completion. In the WellWatcher Flux system, an inductive coupler fully integrated into the completion hardware enables wireless communication and power transmission between the upper and lower completions.

Optimize production with actionable information

The WellWatcher Flux system has been used to monitor cleanup-phase effectiveness, track injection flow paths, identify the most prolific producing zones, identify water or gas breakthrough, and monitor changes. The surface acquisition system can transmit data to your office, where real-time analysis with thermal modeling software allows flow events to be interpreted even in high-angle wellbores, enabling fast, informed decisions for optimal control of assets.

WellWatcher Flux System Applications
Multizonal reservoir monitoring system