

Subsurface Characterization | 全国快3信誉最好的老平台-全国最大的快3平台

Reservoir characterization

Advance your understanding to optimize reservoir performance

Sunset over reservoir testing equipment and people
Reservoir Characterization

Understand your reservoir to optimize its lifetime performance

The better you understand your reservoir, the better it will perform throughout its lifetime. With 全国快3信誉最好的老平台, you can count on a superior quantitative representation of your reservoir based on the most accurate measurements available from multiple sources and disciplines.

We deliver characterization models incorporating all the characteristics of the reservoir that are pertinent to its ability to store and produce hydrocarbons, including petrophysics, geology, geomechanics, and geophysics. Our tools and services range from seismic services and surface and downhole logging to reservoir testing and rock and fluid analysis. Together, our tools and interpretation analysis services enable a finer understanding of fluid behaviors within the reservoir under different sets of circumstances to help you discern optimal production techniques that maximize production.

It’s ultimately about getting the most from your reservoir, contributing to a steady supply of crucial raw materials that drive commerce and modern technology.

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Working together to abate emissions.

Making better decisions faster.

Improving performance in the oil and gas industry.

Accelerating the transition to low-carbon energy.
