

Time Lapse Processing & Interpretation - Seismic | 全国快3信誉最好的老平台-全国最大的快3平台

Time-Lapse Seismic Processing

Monitor reservoir changes over time with high-quality, repeatable seismic data

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Repeated seismic surveys provide valuable insight into how your reservoir changes through time, enabling you to monitor fluid migration and improve drilling decisions. Reservoir changes, however, have only a small impact on the seismic data and can be obscured by the inherent variability of repeated surveys. Careful time-lapse or 4D seismic processing is the key to ensuring observed differences reflect changes in your reservoir, not variations in seismic acquisition conditions.

Decades of experience

For more than 30 years, we have been refining our workflows and technology to deliver high-quality, repeatable time-lapse seismic data in a variety of geologic settings. We have experience with all acquisition types, including marine streamer, ocean bottom, land, and permanent monitoring seismic data. With dedicated QC procedures, 4D processing algorithms, and flexible matching technology, we work with you to enable rapid and routine delivery of monitor surveys that are optimized to meet your objectives.

standard noise attenuation time-lapse noise attenuation
Move the slider to see the results of standard noise attenuation (left) and time-lapse noise attenuation (right) on multiple survey vintages. Notice how random noise from differences in acquisition is suppressed to produce a clearer image.

Careful time-lapse seismic or 4D seismic processing is the key to ensuring observed differences reflect changes in your reservoir.

Time-lapse seismic processing philosophy and approach

Efficient and accurate time-lapse seismic processing requires a clearly defined approach to identify and mitigate the acquisition-related variability that would otherwise obscure the reservoir changes. Our workflows incorporate algorithms built specifically for time-lapse processing, removing the effects of differing acquisition systems for optimal repeatability. Using mostly deterministic algorithms, we minimize the use of statistical matching processes, particularly where preservation of geomechanical effects are paramount. If deterministic algorithms cannot be used, simultaneous processing of the baseline and monitor surveys is often the key to ensuring stability and consistency.

Efficient processing of monitor survey data

Our workflows are designed, as possible, to ease application to subsequent monitor surveys. In many cases, a new monitor can be processed independently of the preceding surveys, further reducing processing turnaround time. Not only are your costs minimized, but the early availability of your data ensures that the monitor survey provides returns on your investment as quickly as possible.

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