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Cuttings Analysis

Composition and evolution of fluids trapped in rock material

Schlumberger worker's arm pointing to cuttings analysis data.

Early insight into fluid contents—and reservoir potential

The reservoir is both the rock and the fluids it contains. At both the wellsite and in the laboratory, Fluid Inclusion Technology (FIT), a Schlumberger company, provides specialized analysis of the trapped fluids in rock material, with a focus on determining the origin and geological history of the rocks and fluids.

Fluid Inclusion Technology

Rapid, cost-effective evaluation of the entire wellbore

Cuttings analysis

Real-time laboratory-grade mass spectroscopy at the wellsite

The portable, fully automatic DQ1000 wellsite mass spectrometer gas analyzer gives you semiquantitative formation fluid analysis and evaluation while drilling.

Direct quadrupole mass spectrometry is continuously applied to borehole gas at surface to

  • comprehensively spectral fingerprint C1–C5 and C6–C10 hydrocarbons
  • identify three major volatile organic species classes: alkanes, cycloalkanes, and aromatics
  • monitor chemical species with variable solubility in water, such as benzene, toluene, n-hexane, and cyclohexane.

Combining these measurements with ROP, pumpstrokes, and depth derives the lagdepth for geochemical logs.

Laboratory cuttings analysis of fluid inclusions

A unique automated screening process efficiently analyzes trapped fluids in the rock cuttings, making it possible to easily and quickly evaluate the entire wellbore

The resulting rapidly acquired information can be integrated with subsequent petrology and mineralogy evaluations to drive digital models. By determining the origin and evolution of the cuttings and their trapped fluid content, you’ll be able to better manage exploration and appraisal risk.

Characterize more than 500 samples in 5 days

PetroFecta automated trapped fluid and elemental composition analysis applies three FIT services on the same rock material, which preserves the interrelationships among rock composition, texture, and fluids.

FIS fluid inclusion stratigraphy analysis determines the abundance, distribution, and composition of both hydrocarbon and nonhydrocarbon species trapped in inclusions.

PDQ-XRF X-ray fluorescence and elemental analysis provides rapid elemental analysis of major, minor, and trace elements.

RockEye automated high-resolution photography captures focus-stacked digital imaging of rock material in white light and under UV illumination.

FIS analysis combined with RockEye automated high-resolution photography and PDQ-XRF X-ray florescence elemental analysis.
FIS analysis combined with RockEye automated high-resolution photography and PDQ-XRF X-ray florescence elemental analysis provides a rapid, cost-effective evaluation of entire wellbore.