

EM Pipe Scanner Electromagnetic Casing Inspection Tool | 全国快3信誉最好的老平台-全国最大的快3平台

EM Pipe Scanner

Electromagnetic casing inspection tool

EM Pipe Scanner Electromagnetic Casing Inspection Tool

Keep a closer eye on your casing

The EM Pipe Scanner electromagnetic (EM) casing inspection tool uses 18 pad sensors to quantitatively scan the interior surface and thickness of production casing. The slim mandrel enables measuring casing corrosion and identifying grooves and splits without having to first pull the completion tubing, saving significant time and cost.

Scan for corrosion in single and double strings

The versatile EM Pipe Scanner tool is fluid insensitive, operating in liquid or gas environments, and can be deployed by wireline, tractor, or coiled tubing at up to 90° well deviation.

Time-lapse deployment provides corrosion rate estimates, identifies casing corrosion behind tubing, and determines the inner tubular radius behind scale.

EM Pipe Scanner Electromagnetic Casing Inspection Tool Eye

Evaluate casing integrity by locating, identifying, and quantifying damage and corrosion—without having to pull completion tubing.

Multiple measurements to pinpoint your well’s weakpoints

The EM Pipe Scanner tool uses three types of noninvasive EM measurements to characterize well casings. These nondestructive induction methods employ both low- and high-frequency induction currents. Metal loss and changes in casing geometry are detected by combining the three measurement types.

EM Pipe Scanner tool low frequency
The initial low-frequency casing inspection pass of the EM Pipe Scanner tool is run at up to 3,600 ft/h to quickly monitor for potential casing defects. Multiple casing strings can be analyzed at low frequency, and the tool can pass through restrictions as small as 2.313 in.

Two types of images are produced: a low-frequency-EM thickness image for evaluating the remaining metal and a high-frequency discrimination image produced from 18 pad sensors mounted on the tool centralizer arms.

EM Pipe Scanner tool high frequency
The high-frequency diagnostic pass creates a high-resolution image that provides the status of the internal casing wall, as well as discriminates defects in the inner or outer wall of single-casing strings. Made at speeds up to 1,800 ft/h, this measurement is immune to scale on the casing wall as it detects anomalies as a signal disturbance.