

CMR-MagniPHI High-Definition NMR Service | 全国快3信誉最好的老平台-全国最大的快3平台


High-definition NMR service

rendering of cmr magniphi

Unlocking a new dimension in fluid mapping across the smallest pores.

High-resolution NMR service

Measure T1 and T2 simultaneously and continuously for the most accurate lithology-independent porosity and fluids mapping

New CMR-MagniPHI service obtains high-definition, simultaneous, continuous T1 and T2 relaxation time measurements to enable the unprecedented determination of shale porosity and reservoir fluid types and volumes for

  • movable and nonmovable oil
  • high-viscosity hydrocarbon
  • free, capillary-bound, and clay-bound water.
The CMR-MagniPHI High-definition NMR service tool
200 us
Shortest echo spacing
6 in
Highest vertical resolution
15.6 ft
Shortest tool
374 lbm
Lightest tool
Fluids inside the smallest pores

Zoom in on the smallest organic shale pores

Building on the capabilities of the industry-benchmark CMR-Plus combinable magnetic resonance tool, CMR-MagniPHI service pairs technological advancements with improvements in efficiency and reliability.

The new continuous T1 measurement made in combination with T2 relaxation at the industry’s shortest echo spacing of just 200 us captures high-definition NMR data from the smallest pores in organic shales to improve the identification of different fluid types.

Quantify certainty in any reservoir, any size pores

In addition to greater certainty in reserves calculations, new insight is brought to selecting the lateral drilling landing point and designing engineered completions and fracturing operations in shale reservoirs.

Logs and fluid maps from the CMR-MagniPHI High-definition NMR service.
Validated by results from core analysis, the petrophysical model developed for an Eagle Ford well with measurements from CMR-MagniPHI service refined the reservoir volumetrics to identify potential landing targets on the basis of the reservoir producibility index and permeability from CMR-MagniPHI service.
Abstract illustration of connected, intelligent, and autonomous digital operations for oil and gas.

Digital operations for oil and gas

Reimagine energy performance and improve decision making with connected, intelligent, and autonomous solutions.

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