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Through-the-bit logging services


Comprehensive logging in complex well environments

ThruBit™ through-the-bit logging services offer a comprehensive wireline suite built for performance in complex and unstable well environments. This unique conveyance platform provides a set of slim-profile (2 1/8-in) formation evaluation tools designed for advanced lateral measurements in all types of difficult-to-access wells.

No longer are operators limited to time-consuming specialty conveyance equipment—or skipping logging altogether. A logging string with any number of ThruBit services measurement tools can be conveyed through the drillstring and the Portal™ pass-through bit to log the open borehole on wireline or as the drillpipe is tripped out of the hole. With ThruBit services, you get a much more complete lateral understanding of drilling challenges, to help eliminate uncertainties during fracturing and stimulation operations and fully optimize your stimulation plan.

ThruBit Logging Services
How can you improve your completions and stimulation design? Lateral measurements with through-the-bit logging.


  • Improved porosity estimation
  • Saturation evaluation
  • High-definition lithology and total organic carbon (TOC) measurements
  • Gas identification
  • Permeability and mobility



  • High-resolution fracture and bedding characterization
  • Structure and sedimentology interpretation
  • Formation imaging in both oil- and water-based mud
  • Net-to-gross estimation


Acoustics and geomechanics

  • Stress regime, anisotropy, and pore pressure evaluation
  • Deep 3D fracture characterization
  • Well placement and stability evaluation
  • Stimulation design and optimized hydraulic fracturing
  • Guidance for selective perforating and sand control



  • Velocity calibration and time-depth conversion
  • Improved 3D seismic analysis and seismic tie-ins
  • Synthetic seismograms

Slim, multiconveyance logging portfolio

ThruBit services formation evaluation tools provide a complete suite of logging measurements for better insights in the most challenging environments. Packaged to fit a slim 2 1/8-in profile, these rugged, through-the-bit tools can deliver measurements ranging from the classic triple-combo suites to advanced offerings such as high-resolution laterolog, spectral gamma ray, dipole sonic, borehole imaging, and multifunction spectroscopy. 

ThruBit Services Description
ThruBit services triple-combo Neutron, density, and array induction resistivity combined with the telemetry, memory, and gamma ray device available with all ThruBit services tools gives you extensive data for your stimulation plan.
ThruBit HRLA™ high-resolution laterolog array tool Measurement by focused arrays at multiple depths enables determining and correcting for environment effects, such as shoulder beds, and calculating uninvaded formation resistivity.
ThruBit services spectral gamma ray tool Measurement of the total gamma ray spectra enables detection of potassium, thorium, and uranium, which are common in sands and shales.
ThruBit Dipole™ through-the-bit acoustic service Both monopole and cross-dipole waveforms and Stoneley waves help determine whether the formation is isotropic or anisotropic—critical information for designing well paths, completions, and fracturing stages.
ThruBit services imagers Designed for use with OBM or WBM, imaging and dip data covers 80% of the borehole in 6-in holes with .2-in image resolution for high-resolution structural, stratigraphic, and geomechanical understanding.
ThruBit services multifunction spectroscopy Multiple detectors paired with a high-output pulsed neutron generator provide cased-hole formation evaluation and reservoir saturation monitoring data—all in a single tool.
ThruBit services portfolio.

Logging beyond gravitational descent

Eliminate additional trips and save rig time by deploying the toolstring and logging during hole conditioning.

  1. The Portal bit is used to ream to TD to prepare the borehole for logging.
  2. The driller pulls the bit off bottom to provide room for the logging toolstring, which is pumped through the drillpipe.
  3. The toolstring is pushed through the Portal bit opening into the open borehole, where functionality is verified, and then the wireline is disconnected and removed from the drillpipe.
  4. Logging in memory mode occurs as the pipe is tripped out of the hole. 
  5. Once logging is complete, the Portal bit at the end of the drillpipe and toolstring are pulled up into the casing.
  6. A retrieval tool is lowered on wireline to latch onto the toolstring and return it to surface.
  7. With the logging toolstring recovered from the drillpipe, drilling or other operations can resume while the logging data is reviewed.
ThruBit Services Improved Production by 70 Percent
High-resolution measurements for optimized stimulation designs and increased production

Geothermal webinar series

Hear directly from our experts how ThruBit services contributed to the Department of Energy's Utah FORGE EGS project.

Explore all webinars

Subsurface Fracture Characterization Case Study from Utah FORGE

Hear from Erik Borchardt, Reservoir Performance business development manager, and Andy Wray, North America borehole geology domain champion, as they discuss how characterizing, initiating, and sustaining interconnected fracture networks is crucial to the success of developing large-scale, economically sustainable enhanced geothermal system (EGS) reservoirs.

Now available on-demand

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