

VERSATROL HT High-Temperature Asphaltic Resin | 全国快3信誉最好的老平台-全国最大的快3平台


High-temperature asphaltic resin

Schlumberger Oilfield Services

VERSATROL HT resin is a naturally occurring asphalt used for high-pressure, high-temperature (HPHT) filtration control in all VERSA oil-based systems.

VERSATROL HT resin has a higher softening point than the regular VERSATROL asphaltic resin. VERSATROL HT resin is ideally suited for ultrahigh-temperature applications. It is often used to seal low-pressure and depleted formations. It is compatible with all VERSA oil-based drilling fluid systems and can be used in the initial formulation or added later.

Typical Physical Properties  
Physical appearance Black powder
Odor Odorless
Specific gravity 1.04–1.06
Softening point 450 degF [232 degC]


VERSATROL HT resin is designed to be used in ultrahigh-temperature applications where the anticipated bottomhole static temperature exceeds the limits of the regular VERSATROL resin. VERSATROL HT resin will reduce API and HPHT fluid-loss in all oil-based muds. It improves overall emulsification stability, thermal stability, and suspension characteristics of most oil-based formulations. VERSATROL HT resin also increases viscosity, especially at lower temperatures due to its partial solubility. It is insoluble in water.

Typical concentrations range from 2 to 8 lbm/bbl [5.7 to 23 kg/m3], with occasional daily additions in the 0.25 to 0.5 lbm/bbl range [0.71 to 1.43 kg/ m3]. High-temperature situations and special applications require higher concentrations, as much as 10 lbm/bbl [29 kg/m3].

When used in the initial formulation, it is recommended to add VERSATROL HT resin last. For existing systems, the product may be added at any time, mixed slowly during at least one circulation. Pilot testing is advised to determine the necessary treatment to achieve the desired results and to observe the change in mud properties.


  • For use in ultrahigh-temperature applications (BHST >400 degF [204 degC])
  • Reduces API and HPHT fluid loss in all VERSA oil-based mud systems
  • Enhances emulsion and thermal stability


  • Environmental restrictions concerning the use of oils and oil-based fluids should be considered since VERSATROL HT resin is used in conjunction with oil.

Toxicity and handling

Bioassay information is available upon request.

Handle as an industrial chemical, wearing protective equipment and observing the precautions as described in the safety data sheet.

Packaging and storage

VERSATROL HT additive is packaged in 55-lbm [25-kg] multiwall paper sacks. Store in dry, well-ventilated area. Keep container closed. Store away from incompatibles. Follow safe warehousing practices regarding palletizing, banding, shrink-wrapping, and stacking.
