

ALPINE SPOTTING BEADS Copolymer Lubricating Additive | 全国快3信誉最好的老平台-全国最大的快3平台


Copolymer lubricating additive

Schlumberger Oilfield Services

Mechanical lubricant reduces torque and drag in highly deviated wellbores

ALPINE SPOTTING BEADS additive is a spherical co-polymer that acts as a mechanical lubricant in stable temperatures up to 425 degF [218 degC]. Particles sizes range from 18 to 200 mesh [74 to 1,000 um] with specific gravities from 1.08 to 1.50.

Compatible with all mud systems, ALPINE SPOTTING BEADS additive reduces torque and drag while lowering risks for differential sticking in depleted, underbalanced formations by optimizing the radial symmetry of beads in the wellbore. The additive is typically applied in highly-deviated wellbores, including those with high tortuosity and severe or unplanned doglegs that contribute to high torque and drag. The additive also helps break capillary attraction and is non-abrasive.

ALPINE spotting beads