

RHEDUCE Thinner and Conditioner Dispersant | 全国快3信誉最好的老平台-全国最大的快3平台


Thinner and conditioner dispersant

Schlumberger Oilfield Services

Used as a thinner and conditioner in the RHELIANT thermally stable, flat-rheology drilling fluid system, RHEDUCE dispersant reduces overall viscosity and gel strengths through the action of macromolecules. They work to disperse solids in the mud without requiring dilution or changing the synthetic-to-water ratio.

Typical Physical Properties  
Physical appearance Amber liquid
Specific gravity 0.83–0.87
Flash point >200 degF [>93 degC]


  • Typical treatment range: 0.1 to 0.2 lbm/bbl [0.3 to 0.6 kg/m3]. Pilot testing is recommended prior to treatment.
  • Incremental additions recommended at 0.05 lbm/bbl [0.14 kg/m3].

Overtreatment can cause drastic reductions in LSRV values (6- and 3-rpm readings) and gel strengths that can be difficult to recover or increase afterwards. The product should be added slowly to the system over one complete circulation to ensure an even distribution of the treatment.


  • Easy-to-mix, fast-acting liquid thinner
  • Wide application in all synthetic-base systems


  • Avoid overtreatment with RHEDUCE dispersant. If barite settling is observed, treatments of VG-SUPREME organophilic clay viscosifier should be used to restore barite suspension capacity.
  • May not provide long-term viscosity reduction; over time or through the incorporation of additional drill solids, viscosity and gels may return to original levels.

Toxicity and handling

Bioassay information is available upon request. Handle as an industrial chemical, wearing protective equipment and observing the precautions as described in the safety data sheet.

Packaging and storage

RHEDUCE dispersant is packaged in 55-galUS [208-L] drums and 550-galUS [2,131-L] totes. Store in a dry, well-ventilated area. Keep container closed. Keep away from heat, sparks, and flames. Store away from incompatible materials.
