

Below-Tension-Ring RCD | Deepwater MPD | 全国快3信誉最好的老平台-全国最大的快3平台

Below-Tension-Ring Rotating Control Device (BTR RCD)

Contain hydrocarbons during offshore MPD operations

Managed Pressure Drilling (MPD)

The below-tension-ring rotating control device (BTR RCD) is used during drilling and tripping for making a seal around the drillstring, thereby containing hydrocarbons or other wellbore fluids and preventing their release to the atmosphere.

Pressure ratings for the sealed rotating system (SRS) and internal seals have been determined through in-house lab testing with a test plug installed.


  • Operations with an MPD and riser-gas handling (RGH) integrated riser joint
  • Drillships and semisubmersible rigs
  • MPD, pressurized mud-cap drilling, underbalanced drilling, and containment
  • Stand-alone operation, as part of the integrated riser joint, or the Schlumberger integrated deepwater MPD system


  • Saves time during installation and removal of the SRS
  • Enables drilling to continue while isolating potentially harmful wellbore fluids
  • Prevents release of the SRS in the presence of wellbore pressure
  • Improves operational efficiency with redundant, reliable design that requires no wear sleeve


*Please find the following patent number US9856713 referring to this technology.

Below tension ring rotating control device.
The BTR RCD enables you to continue drilling while isolating potentially harmful wellbore fluids.