

Driller's Chair | 全国快3信誉最好的老平台-全国最大的快3平台

Driller's Chair

Ergonomically optimized

Operator sitting tin the X-COM operator chair

The X-COM operator chair helps improve performance by making it easier and safer to control sophisticated drilling machines.

Equipped with state-of-the-art seating and exceptional ergonomic adjustments for optimal comfort, the X-COM chair reduces your risk of injury and strain.

You can simultaneously supervise drillfloor activities and crew members and control any machine using ergonomic joysticks and intuitive touch screens.

Large computer displays present task-specific details and specially designed graphics to enable quick comprehension while avoiding information overload.

The X-COM operator chair


  • Simple, intuitive user interface
  • Readable in all light conditions
  • Outstanding ergonomic adjustments for maximized comfort and efficiency
  • Slim and robust industrial design
  • Safer technical components and internal redundancy
  • Rapid placement of pluggable components for stress-free service and maintenance
  • Clear visual contact with the drillfloor during operation
  • Integrated closed circuit television and talkback system interface
  • Feedback from other subsystems