

M-MC Metal Modular Compact Wellhead System | 全国快3信誉最好的老平台-全国最大的快3平台


Metal modular compact wellhead system

Cameron Wellhead Systems

Onshore and offshore wellhead system

The M-MC metal modular compact wellhead system is designed as an onshore or offshore multibowl wellhead system. Its ease of operation enhances safety and makes it one of the most efficient systems available. It is provided in either two- or three-stage arrangements, 13 5/8-in through 18 3/4-in nominal sizes, and pressure ratings to 15,000 psi. It can be used in severe service conditions and meets API 6A standards.

Max. pressure rating: 15,000 psi
Temperature range: –20 to 350 degF [–28 to 176 degC]
Available sizes: 13 5/8 and 18 3/4 in
  • Positive lockdown. The casing hanger lockdown rings are internally biased, resulting in more positive lockdown. Lockdown is assured by the proper number of turns and confirmed by tool travel.
  • Time savings. The top connection of the 13 5/8-in, 15,000-psi M-MC wellhead system is the 13 5/8-in, 15,000-psi FastLock quick wellhead connector, which can be made up in approximately 20 minutes. The FastLock connector and reduced BOP connections result in typical rig-time savings of more than 50%.
  • Supplemental high-strength load shoulder. The high-pressure M-MC wellhead system also features a supplemental high-strength load shoulder that enables a fullbore opening and provides the capacity to hang two long strings of casing and a 15,000-psi full blind pressure end load.
  • Safety. Fewer BOP connections, wellhead penetrations (no lock screws), and through-BOP and -diverter operations reduce the exposure to potential openhole and lost-time incidents.
  • Low maintenance. The reliable, field-proven design; absence of plastic packing and lock screws; and the availability of continuous control lines can significantly reduce maintenance costs.
    M-MC Metal Modular Compact Wellhead System
    M-MC Metal Modular Compact Wellhead System