

CemCRETE Concrete-Based Oilwell Cementing Technology | 全国快3信誉最好的老平台-全国最大的快3平台


Concrete-based oilwell cementing technology


Optimize slurry performance and mechanical integrity

CemCRETE concrete-based oilwell cementing technology increases the solids content of the slurry using particle-size distribution. Smaller particles fill the void between larger particles, requiring less water. This results in a cement slurry with improved flow properties and excellent set properties, such as permeability and strength. A lower water-to-cement ratio during mixing and pumping enables higher long-term performance.

CemCRETE technology offers

  • more solids in your cement
  • greater compressive strength
  • reduced cement permeability
  • greater resistance to corrosive fluids.
Standard cement slurries require water to fill the void between particles. CemCRETE slurries fill the interparticle void with more solids, giving superior cement properties.
Standard cement slurries require water to fill the void between particles. CemCRETE slurries fill the interparticle void with more solids, giving superior cement properties.

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