

D264 Nanosealant, Cement Repair | 全国快3信誉最好的老平台-全国最大的快3平台

D264 Nanosealant

High-injectivity, self-diverting leak repair fluid

Cement texture.
Placement temperature: up to 250 degF [120 degC]
Max. exposure temperature: 300 degF [150 degC]

Plug more leaks in a single squeeze

D264 nanosealant is a single-component, self-diverting technology used to repair small cracks and microannuli in a cemented annulus. It is ideal for repairs for which injectivity is too low to pass Portland cement–based systems or microcement systems such as SqueezeCRETE remedial cementing solution.

Simplify surface preparation and abandonment operations

Because D264 nanosealant is a single-component system, no mixing or blending is required at surface. Its low rheology and nanosized particles deliver injectivity similar to that of water. It has been demonstrated to penetrate leaks as small as 20 um.

An ideal example application would be to use D264 nanosealant to repair old cemented well sections prior to abandonment or after placing abandonment cement plugs that show signs of leakage.

Infographic for D264 Nanosealant
The D264 nanosealant self-diversion capability maximizes the number of leak paths it can plug.