

D193 Fluid Loss and Gas Migration Control Additive for Cement | 全国快3信誉最好的老平台-全国最大的快3平台


Fluid loss and gas migration control additive

concrete texture

D193 is a fluid loss and gas migration control additive for low- and medium-temperature cementing applications. Microgel particles rapidly plug the pores within the cement, causing rapid formation of a thin, impermeable filtercake. D193 demonstrates excellent slurry properties, low concentration requirements, reduced waiting for cement to set, and synergy with the silicate extenders and cement accelerators used in lightweight slurry systems.

Temperature range: 32 to 200 degF [0 to 93 degC]
Slurry density range: 8.5 to 21 ppg [1,020 to 2,520 kg/m3]
Filtration rates are dramatically reduced with the pore plugging capability of D193.
Filtration rates are dramatically reduced with the pore plugging capability of D193.