

CemPRIME Scrub spacer enhances cleaning during cementing | 全国快3信誉最好的老平台-全国最大的快3平台

CemPRIME Scrub

Engineered scrubbing spacer

CemPRIME Scrub engineered scrubbing spacer.

CemPRIME Scrub™ engineered scrubbing spacer contains fibers that improve aqueous or nonaqueous drilling fluid removal during cementing operations. An enhanced version of the CemPRIME™ engineered chemistry spacer, it is designed with surfactants and solvents that clean and demulsify in a wide range of temperatures, base oils, and salinity. Compared with conventional spacer systems, CemPRIME Scrub spacer increases cleaning due to the added scrubbing capability of the fibers. It also enhances the removal of drilling fluids and other wellbore deposits in all cement plug placement scenarios and during well decommissioning.

The CemPRIME Scrub spacer is compatible with cement slurries and nonaqueous fluids and does not modify cement slurry thickening times or compressive strength development. It can be mixed in batches or during the job using freshwater, seawater, or salted water.

  • All cementing applications
  • Cement plug operations for decommissioning in openhole or cased-hole environments
  • High-temperature environments typically encountered in deepwater drilling
  • Freshwater and seawater mixing
  • Improves nonaqueous fluid removal with scrubbing fibers
  • Enhances cement-to-casing bond with better hole cleaning for both aqueous and nonaqueous drilling fluids
  • Reduces remedial cementing requirements
  • Aids in transport of unwanted material left in place during cleanup run prior to plug and abandonment activities
  • Reduces risk of sustained casing pressure (SCP)
  • Fibers to enhance mud removal
  • Ability to be mixed in batches or during the job
  • Compatibility with cement as well as aqueous and nonaqueous drilling fluids
  • Robustness to water quality
 CemPRIME Scrub spacer (right) removes nonaqueous fluid more efficiently compared with a conventional cementing spacer (left).
CemPRIME Scrub spacer (right) removes nonaqueous fluid more efficiently compared with a conventional cementing spacer (left).
Using a conventional spacer in a previous well—with less washout severity—in the same formation resulted in a poor bond log.

Engineered Spacer Helps Sonatrach Achieve Cement Bond Goal

CemPRIME Scrub spacer with chemical wash removes mud from washouts, Algeria

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