

ACTive DTS Distributed Temperature Measurement & Inversion Analysis | 全国快3信誉最好的老平台-全国最大的快3平台


Distributed temperature measurement and inversion analysis

 Active dts distributed temperature measurement and inversion analysis
The DTS inversion process generates the fluid invasion profile (volume per unit length) across a selected interval based on the evolution of distributed temperature measurements, as well as key treatment and reservoir parameters.
The DTS inversion process generates the fluid invasion profile (volume per unit length) across a selected interval based on the evolution of distributed temperature measurements, as well as key treatment and reservoir parameters.

Quantify treatments using real-time DTS measurements

Real-time DTS measurements rely on laser beam and continuous strands of fiber-optic technology to collect continuous temperature profiles along the length of the well. This technology is part of ACTive CT real-time wellbore intervention service to monitor wellbore temperature evolution while pumping and during shut-in periods. The tracking of temperature data down the wellbore, as well as the qualitative assessment of reservoir temperature warming or cooling—or lack thereof— during shut-in, provides engineers with insight to fluid placement performance and zonal coverage.

ACTive DTS distributed temperature measurement and inversion analysis delivers real-time DTS data enabling engineers to quantify the intake profile of treatment fluid along the wellbore.
