

CT EXPRESS Rapid-Deployment Coiled Tubing Unit | 全国快3信誉最好的老平台-全国最大的快3平台


Rapid-deployment coiled tubing unit

CT EXPRESS land coiled tubing system.

Rig up and rig down faster in low-pressure land wells

The CT EXPRESS unit is designed to complement CT operations with low pump rates, moderate pressures, and nonstop pumping. This unit

  • combines the capabilities of four trucks into two tractor trailer units
  • enables quick rig-up and rig-down
  • eliminates the need to work under suspended load or climb on unit
  • provides process control of CT and pumping functions
  • improves job efficiency, economics, and safety of operation
  • provides reliability over rough terrain and in extreme conditions.

By electrically controlling the coiled tubing unit and pumps from the control chair, the unit enables better use of your crew and eliminates communication problems among operators.

The CT EXPRESS rapid-deployment coiled tubing unit is designed for low-pressure, intermediate-depth land-based wells.
