

Wireline Perforating | 全国快3信誉最好的老平台-全国最大的快3平台

 Wireline perforating

Engineered wireline-conveyed perforating systems maximize production

全国快3信誉最好的老平台 wireline perforating systems maximize reservoir connectivity.

Improve wireline perforating efficiency with real-time depth control while reducing rig time and cost

New hardware breakthroughs combined with advanced software modeling enable conducting ultralong and heavy wireline perforating jobs in both offshore and land operations. Using wireline perforating instead of conventional conveyance techniques during deep and complex well interventions improves efficiency while reducing rig time and cost.

Wireline (or electric line) is the traditional way to run perforating guns, and with good reason: Wireline provides the advantages of real-time depth control and selectivity along with reduced logistics compared with deployment on tubing. Although wireline perforating guns were initially categorized by whether they are used before the completion is run (casing guns) or through the completion (through-tubing guns), today, any type of engineered perforating system can be run on wireline along with a wide variety of other explosive devices.

Regardless of the type of perforating gun, our engineered perforating systems are optimized for the gun and charge combination with respect to the wellbore environment, reservoir and fluid content, and completion geometry.

How to improve perforating efficiency
Improve your perforating efficiency by using a single wireline deployment with the XR-Perf expanded-range wireline perforating system—saving time and costs.

Wireline perforating systems

XR-Perf system handles deviated, complex wells and conveys long, heavy toolstrings effortlessly

Firing systems

RF-safe electronic detonator

Addressable-switch firing system

Integrate plug-in guns and real-time advanced downhole measurements with the Tempo system

Deployment systems

Completion insertion and removal under pressure equipment

Perforating tools

Universal perforating and correlation tool

Automatic gun release with X-Tools completion tools technology

Wireline perforating platform

Mechanical plugback tool

Our well perforating services maximize reservoir productivity in new or existing wells.

Perforating laboratory services
The Productivity Enhancement Research Facility (PERF) brings together the industry’s most technologically advanced testing systems and expert staff to directly determine how your reservoir will perform when perforated, reducing risk and optimizing recovery.

Perforating design
No longer do you need to guess how perforating changes will perform in your wells. By holistically accounting for the well, fluid, and formation environment, perforating design integrates shaped charges and perforating gun systems to minimize damage and maximize the wellbore‑to‑reservoir connection.

Shaped charges
Whether for the deepest penetration, big hole, or uniform perforating applications, our shaped charges are performance tested at reservoir conditions so you can optimize your well’s completion—and productivity.

Perforating gun systems
We engineer our perforating guns as systems that integrate the carriers, shaped charges, and accessories—with all components manufactured to rigorous QC standards.

We offer solutions for wireline, slickline, coiled tubing, or tubing-conveyed operations.

Connect with us

Let us help you customize the best perforating design to meet your challenges.
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