

ReSOLVE iX Tubing Cutter | 全国快3信誉最好的老平台-全国最大的快3平台

ReSOLVE iX tubing cutter

Precise, reliable, safer mechanical tubing cutting

Image of ReSOLVE iX tubing cutter.

Separation of completion tubing is a critical stage in many intervention campaigns. Often, the objective is to establish annular circulation immediately prior to the cut.

The ReSOLVE iX™ intelligent extreme wireline intervention service now offers an automated tubing cutter for intervention scenarios that delivers fully automated, depth-accurate, active CCL-based mechanical cuts even in complex completion profiles.

This fully instrumented and surface-controlled tubing cutter can operate at great depths and in challenging environments—without the logistics and HSE challenges associated with explosives. The tubing cutter’s knife-edge design is debris tolerant, stick resistant, and capable of cutting under a broad range of axial and torsional loadings.

Combined with the TuffTRAC iX™ intelligent extreme wireline tractor and with built-in self-anchoring and self-centering features, the ReSOLVE iX tubing cutter can reach multiple targets at any deviation, even in extreme or sour environments. Along with the ReSOLVE iX slot cutter, the combined platform can be used to establish circulation and separate tubing in a single descent.

ReSOLVE iX Tubing Cutter
Precise, reliable, safer mechanical tubing cutting
  • Tubing or completion recovery
  • Cutting releasable packers in complex well geometries
  • Active CCL to control cut depth
  • Full suite of downhole sensors to measure pressure and temperature while cutting
  • Automated dynamic cutting program based on preprogrammed tubing properties and downhole cutting environment
  • High-force and high-expansion self-anchoring for unexpected pressure responses
  • Self-centralizing for cutting at any depth or deviation
  • Sour service qualification
  • Large expansion ratio for anchoring in tubulars below restrictions
  • Fishing capability with optional 2 1/8-in WIReD™ wireline inline release device
  • Built-in release system at the cutting head
  • Wireline conveyance
Image of ReSOLVE iX tubing cutter toolstring with centralizer and anchor.
ReSOLVE iX tubing cutter toolstring with centralizer and anchor.
ReSOLVE iX Tubing Cutter Specifications
Output Wellbore pressure and temperature, cutting power, cutting knife opening pressure and rotation velocity, head tension, cut completion confirmation, casing collar locator (CCL), optional gamma ray, logging while cutting
Tubing OD, min. 3 1/2 in [89 mm]
Tubing OD, max. 5 1/2 in [140 mm]
Borehole fluid Any liquid
Pressure rating 20,000 psi [138 MPa]
Temperature rating 350 degF [177 degC]
Restriction, min. 2.5 in [25.4 mm]
Tubing ID, min. 2.625 in [66.7 mm]
Tool OD 2.375 in [60.3 mm]
Length* 24.7 ft [7.53 m]
Weight* 222 lbm [100.7 kg]
Tension 20,000 lbf [88,964 N]
Compression 20,000 lbf [88,964 N]
Certifications NACE MR0175 compliant for HշS and COշ resistance

All values are for standard specifications and are subject to change without notice. A dedicated engineering team is available for customizing tools to address your challenges.
* Length and weight depend on integrated service configuration. Applications outside the defined operating envelope should be shared with an 全国快3信誉最好的老平台 representative for risk assessment.
