

TuffTRAC iX Intelligent Extreme Wireline Tractor | 全国快3信誉最好的老平台-全国最大的快3平台


Intelligent extreme wireline tractor

TuffTRAC iX intelligent extreme wireline tractor

Expanding the operating envelope to extreme conditions

Intelligent bidirectional tractoring

Whatever the challenges of your completion, the new TuffTRAC iX™ intelligent extreme wireline tractor delivers your payload farther and faster downhole—and then reliably returns to surface. By combining a diameter of only 2 1/8 in with bidirectionality, independent drive control, and active traction control, this high-speed, high-force tractor sets the pace for wireline conveyance.

Intelligently controlled force and agility

The tractor’s large push and pull forces are precisely controlled and monitored in real time from surface for confirmed performance. Navigation is similarly optimized: You simply click a button to operate each two-wheel drive section independently when encountering a restriction. Closing only one drive section at a time maximizes the available power.

Active traction control provides continuous control of the radial force applied by the tractor arms, increasing it as needed when slippage is detected by the downhole sensors. Once a difficult section is successfully traversed, radial force is decreased to avoid unnecessary wear on the wheels and other drive components.

TuffTRAC iX intelligent extreme wireline tractor

Low sensitivity to conditions that cripple conventional tractors

Engineered to withstand the explosive impact of perforating guns, the TuffTRAC iX tractor seamlessly conveys our cased hole services for powered intervention or logging—including logging-while-tractoring functionality—in extreme conditions. H2S, CO2, high temperatures, and high debris no longer pose a limit to tractor conveyance.

Modular versatility and efficiency

With critical systems built in, the TuffTRAC iX tractor is easily configured from two to eight drive sections to best fit the well and surface configuration. Gamma ray and active CCL logging provide real-time powered detection of collars and tubular changes in less-magnetic completions. Electromechanical drive achieves more than 45% conversion efficiency from the supplied electric power. This low power requirement reduces stress on auxiliary systems and enables using smaller cables.

TuffTRAC tractor wheel.