Case Study 全国快3信誉最好的老平台 Experts Fix Stubborn Foaming Issue in 48 Hours
Multidiscipline approach eradicates stubborn foaming in the Bakken, enabling normal production to be restored.
Silicone defoamers and nonsilicone-based defoamers
During oil and gas production, depressurization of hydrocarbons can lead to the formation of a stable foam or gas entrainment, which can negatively impact the production process as a result of liquid carryover or reduced separation. A chemical defoamer is required to counteract foam formation while promoting degassing of fluids.
Defoamers provide high cost efficiency, working at injection rates of just a few parts per million. We provide a wide range for all oilfield applications. Silicones are the most commonly applied defoamers in crude oil and water injection systems. Nonsilicone products are available for amine gas treatment units, glycol units for dehydration, and water injection systems.