Case Study Custom Demulsifier Addresses Impact of Mixing Multiple Oil Streams
Reduced both oil in water (OIW) and water in oil (WIO) by 50% at the second-stage separator output.
Chemicals to help dehydrate and desalt oil, deliquefy gas wells, degas fluids, improve flow, and clean produced water
全国快3信誉最好的老平台 production chemistry solutions help mitigate the effects of emulsions and foaming, improve operational efficiency, maximize clean oil production, minimize water quality issues (e.g., in produced water for disposal or reinjection and in industrial water), and reduce environmental impact throughout the lifetime of your system.
Optimally dehydrate crude oil and clean aqueous discharge streams.
Remove oil and insoluble matter from aqueous production streams.
Unload water and condensate from gas wells.
Defoamers are highly cost efficient, working at injection rates of just a few parts per million.
Reduce energy needed for artificial lift, surface boosting, processing, and pipeline distribution of crude oils.