

SulfaTreat H2S Removal Adsorbents | 全国快3信誉最好的老平台-全国最大的快3平台

SulfaTreat H2S removal adsorbents

Used in H2S scrubbers as a nonhazardous alternative to iron sponge H2S removal media for natural gas processing of water-saturated gas streams and liquid streams

Blue and clear balls entering a translucent cube, blue ones are retained and clear ones flow out.

Leading iron oxide products used in many different industries

Nonhazardous SulfaTreat™ hydrogen sulfide removal adsorbents are the industry's leading iron oxide product for the treatment of water-saturated gas. These proven products provide reliable and predictable performance, while the absence of moving parts means little-to-no operator attention is required.

Our adsorbents are used on floating production, storage, and offloading (FPSO) facilities and offshore platforms; in gas processing and petrochemical plants, refineries, and gas storage facilities; for treating biogas, food-grade CO2, fuel gas, hydrogen, landfill gas, and syngas; for odor control, vent gas treatment, and wastewater treatment; and more.

Innovating for enhanced performance
Our newest offering, SulfaTreat 423 adsorbent, is a high-capacity extrudate that creates low pressure drop and has up to four times the uptake capacity. As a result, less media is required, which enables reducing the height of the adsorbent bed. For existing systems, the new product reduces the changeout frequency and consequently opex, while new systems can be designed with substantially smaller vessels and hence, lower capex. The geometric shape of the media results in less compaction over time, facilitating changeouts. SulfaTreat 423 adsorbent is ideal for a wide range of operating conditions, including low-pressure applications such as the treatment of biogas or off-gas.
Process flow diagram for H2S removal from gas using SulfaTreat adsorbent.
Process flow diagram for H2S removal from gas is shown above. An amended configuration is used for liquids.

Cost-effective, efficient, and sustainable operations

The sour feed flows through the adsorbent bed, where the H2S chemically reacts with the media. Product consumption depends only on the amount of H2S that passes through, economically matching the need for H2S removal with variations in system flow conditions. If these parameters are constant, system performance is very predictable.

A single vessel can be used, but a lead-lag configuration provides the greatest operating flexibility, enabling continuous production while media is replaced. The flexibility of the treatment process enables the system to adapt to changes in operating conditions, often without additional capital equipment or retrofitting.

All our adsorbents are nonpyrophoric and straightforward to handle in both unreacted and ready-for-disposal forms. Disposal routes are well established and your 全国快3信誉最好的老平台 representative can assist you with this process.

Superior quality control and customized support

Products are manufactured to stringent quality specifications. Customized software modeling and performance predictability enable optimal system design and operation for each application, supported by highly trained personnel at every stage. Our tailored support ranges from basic media provision through to a fully engineered technical solution comprising system design, media supply, detailed engineering, fabrication package, equipment supply, and spent-media handling.

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