Video Well Integrity Assessment for Carbon Storage
Ensure CO2 storage confidence by evaluating and addressing well integrity risks.
Putting trust behind your carbon storage
Dependable wells depend on comprehensive evaluation data and the expertise to use it strategically.
全国快3信誉最好的老平台 takes the guesswork out of well integrity with our integrated evaluation services, so you can manage your carbon storage with confidence. Our teams of experts combined with cutting-edge tech bring superior evaluation of the well’s construction, ensuring it lasts for years to come.
Noninvasively measure the annular barrier and bond between the casing and cement.
Evaluating the economic feasibility and environmental responsibility of carbon storage projects.
Noninvasively evaluate casing integrity without having to pull completion tubing.
Evaluate the A- and B-annulus without inner-pipe removal during well decommissioning operations.
Detect and pinpoint inner pipe corrosion damage with real-time precision for the best intervention plans.