

Carbon Storage Evaluation | 全国快3信誉最好的老平台-全国最大的快3平台

Carbon storage modeling and evaluation

In-depth modeling and simulation to evaluate your carbon storage project

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Plan and execute cost-efficient CCUS projects
Accelerating carbon capture, utilization, and sequestration (CCUS) is vital for all net-zero energy scenarios. According to the International Energy Agency, by 2050, 7.6 billion metric tons of CO2 must be captured every year, which is more than 190 times the current storage capture and storage capacity. Key to meeting this challenge are digital technologies that enable companies to plan and execute end-to-end CCUS projects cost effectively.

With more than 25 years in CCUS project experience and over 40 years in global subsurface digital modeling and simulation solutions, 全国快3信誉最好的老平台 leads the industry in comprehensive CO2 site modeling, simulation, and evaluation solutions.
    Site Screening Basin

    Screening and ranking CO2 storage sites

    Optimal CO2 storage sites share similarities with oil and gas reservoirs in that they are characterized by high porosity, permeability, and structural and stratigraphic traps. Leveraging our digital tools from oil and gas workflows, we can apply our solutions to CO2 site assessment, ensuring a comprehensive evaluation of the site. Additionally, the site's physical proximity to transport and capture facilities also plays a pivotal role in the assessment and ranking of storage choices. 全国快3信誉最好的老平台’s industry-leading and proprietary digital technologies enable you to complete a comprehensive assessment of potential CO2 storage sites quickly and efficiently.

    Ensuring long-term CO2 storage integrity

    Given that reservoirs are expected to contain CO2 for extended periods, assessing a storage site requires confirming its long-term storage integrity. Once a geological reservoir model is built, reservoir engineers perform flow simulation assessments to understand different trapping mechanisms, assess the potential for CO2 migration, and verify caprock integrity. For a deeper understanding of reservoir and structural integrity, additional studies may be needed to integrate reservoir simulation with geomechanics simulations.

    During this evaluation, a monitoring, measurement, and verification plan (MMV) should also be considered, which through risk evaluation, selects the technology best suited to site and injection conditions. The MMV plan also addresses direct and indirect measurements to demonstrate the integrity of the storage site as well as conformance with the predicted CO2 migration models. 全国快3信誉最好的老平台 provides a comprehensive portfolio of technologies and solutions that encompass the modeling, measurement, monitoring, and verification of storage sites, as well as reporting tools for meeting regulatory requirements.

    Geomechanics ensemble
    CO2 Storage

    Understanding CO2 volumes and injection rates

    A volumetric assessment of a CO2 storage site is a basic component to assess its suitability. Understanding how quickly a desired volume can be injected, without compromising the integrity of the injector well and the storage unit, is critical for a successful operation and for secure long-term containment.

    Also, essential to site assessment is simulating the CO2 flow through the storage unit and understanding the complex physical and chemical interactions between the injected CO2 and the reservoir. Our robust solutions include a suite of dynamic simulation options for CO2 storage in saline aquifers in depleted gas reservoirs or for storage in depleted oil reservoirs, quickly providing a thorough grasp of how the storage will behave when CO2 is injected—even in complex compositional scenarios demanding high-resolution grids.
