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Geothermal wellhead systems

Flexible systems for use in geothermal drilling and production

Geothermal wellhead system.

Versatile, geothermal well control systems

Our geothermal wellhead systems provide fluid control for virtually any type of geothermal reservoir, including vapor dominated, liquid dominated, dry hot rock, and geopressured reservoirs. In addition, our wellhead systems can be used on thermally enhanced (steam injection) recovery, waste disposal, and hot-water wells.

Geothermal reservoirs
Steam injection, recovery, waste disposal, and hot-water wells
Geothermal Wellhead Systems

Compact wellhead system

The compact geothermal wellhead system is a horizontal production system based on the geothermal compact tree (GCT) system, which has long been regarded as the industry benchmark. The compact design of this wellhead can help reduce drilling, production, and construction costs. The shallow cellar requirement reduces pipeline and workforce costs and provides a safer working environment.

  • Horizontal production permits full drift capabilities during workover without having to dismantle the production tree assembly
  • Body penetrations are limited to test or injection ports and side outlets
  • Latching mechanisms for the centralizer and packoff have been developed from technology used in advanced subsea systems
  • Static elastomer seals are pressure energized, and plastic packing is used only for emergency sealing
  • The system is available in all popular sizes and working pressures in either solid block or conventional flanged designs

FOSTER Conventional Geothermal Wellhead System

The FOSTER conventional geothermal wellhead system has earned a worldwide reputation for reliable service. It incorporates years of proven design, static sealing elements, and an array of design configurations that are cost-effective and enhance safety.

FOSTER Conventional Geothermal Wellhead System