

Liner Hanger System Enables Efficient Casing Repair | 全国快3信誉最好的老平台-全国最大的快3平台

Using a high-performance liner hanger system for a scab liner expedited casing repair and enabled 10,500-psi fracturing pressure

Uinta Basin, Utah, United States, North America, Onshore

Xcelis™ high-performance liner hanger system provided an efficient solution for a casing leak in a remote well, avoiding the time and cost inherent to cement squeezing and enabling subsequent high-pressure hydraulic fracturing.

XCL Resources installed a 5- × 7-in Xcelis liner hanger system in a remote horizontal well in northeastern Utah, with the top of the liner at 10,043-ft [3,061-m] MD. After the liner was cemented, a subsequent pressure test revealed a leak somewhere in the well. A readily available workover rig moved into position while the drilling rig moved to a new well to maximize cost efficiency. Using a service packer, the casing leak location was eventually identified 163 ft [50 m] above the top of the liner, indicating damage to the 7-in host casing. Addressing the leak was key before other operations could proceed.

Image of remote wellsite in the Uinta Basin.
The remoteness of XCL Resources wellsites in the unconventional Uinta Basin complicates logistics. Maximizing the likelihood of success for the chosen solution was extremely important to minimize NPT and deferred production.

XCL Resources accepted the proposal, and a second Xcelis system was promptly dispatched to the wellsite. The scab liner was installed in a single run and pressure integrity was confirmed by applying 4,800 psi [33 MPa] from surface. Completion operations were able to proceed with confidence; 61 stages were hydraulically fractured later without any issues, using stimulation pressures measuring 10,500 psi [72 MPa] at surface.

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