

Speeding drilling and Increasing ROP by 75% offshore Guyana | 全国快3信誉最好的老平台-全国最大的快3平台

Drilling three times faster and increasing ROP by 75%

Guyana, South America, Offshore

By using PowerDrive vorteX™ powered rotary steerable system (RSS) and DynaPower XE™ extreme-environment motor elastomer, ExxonMobil drilled an offshore section three times faster than motor BHAs, increased the ROP by 75%, and significantly reduced pump and dump fluid. By drilling wells faster, ExxonMobil used less mud and finished the wells ahead of the target including record wells. Cumulatively, 3.5 days of rig time were saved with this innovation.

In deepwater Guyana, ExxonMobil needed a safer and more reliable directional drilling solution to increase ROP, reduce drilling times, and decrease the fluid required for pump and dump operations.

Using PowerDrive vorteX RSS with DynaPower XE elastomer and TruLink™ definitive dynamic survey-while-drilling service, ExxonMobil drilled an offshore section three times faster than with motor BHAs while increasing the ROP by 75%. The PowerDrive vorteX RSS was chosen to transform the conventional mud motor to an RSS. This eliminated slide drilling and increased the on-bottom ROP compared with conventional techniques involving jetting with mud motors and drilling with rotary and slide mode. It also reduced the amount of fluid needed in the pump and dump operation.

ExxonMobil replaced the conventional cutting structure of roller cones with polycrystalline diamond cutters to improve rock cutting efficiency. Additionally, having a fully rotary BHA, instead of a static mud motor BHA, reduced friction between the BHA and the borehole. This enabled the BHA to achieve a 65% higher inclination more quickly, reducing costs and directional complexity in subsequent sections.

TruLink dynamic service eliminated the flat time of waiting for surveys on connections as well as the need for checkshots to verify directional position at ROPs up to 137 m/h [450 ft/h] at low angle. By implementing the GyroLink™ definitive gyro-while-drilling service, 85% less time was needed to complete surveys. Surveying efficiency within the magnetic zone was improved and the sensor demonstrated its ability to withstand the challenging conditions in the high-heave environment on the drillship.

Graph shows the ROP performance of combining PowerDrive vorteX RSS and DynaPower XE elastomer.
In field tests, by combining the PowerDrive vorteX RSS and DynaPower XE extreme-environment motor elastomer, ROP was increased significantly, wells were drilled faster, and less mud was required.
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