Maintain tight directional control through the magnetic zone of exclusion and monitor stick/slip, shock, and vibration.
The operator planned to drill an 8½-in section of interbedded formations, which includes a difficult directional dogleg. The drill plan could take more than 100 h if more than one run was needed or other complications occurred. To optimize ROP, the operator selected the 全国快3信誉最好的老平台 PowerDrive Xcel rotary steerable system with auto-curve, an advanced autonomous downhole control system.
The PowerDrive Xcel RSS with auto-curve automatically steered based on the DLS and reservoir characteristics—eliminating time to send and receive multiple downlink data readings from deep in the formation. With auto-curve, only 1.44 downlinks/100 ft were needed, compared with a similar offset well with 3.85 downlinks/100 ft. And ROP increased 44.6% compared with a similar well drilled with manual steering. The 2,349-ft section was drilled in just one run, saving 31.5 h. An additional 24 h was saved from ROP acceleration for a combined savings of 55.5 h.