

Rolling Diamond Cutting Element Saves 2.6 Days and USD 123,000 | 全国快3信誉最好的老平台-全国最大的快3平台

Rolling Diamond Cutting Element Saves 2.6 Days and USD 123,000

Published: 06/11/2020

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PTTEP’s goal

While drilling onshore Thailand, PTTEP wanted to reduce bit trips and increase ROP in an 8½-in section consisting of hard and abrasive sandstone with interbedded shale.

What was tried first

In the offset well in the same TVD interval, a 7-blade conventional PDC bit with 16-mm cutters drilled a short interval with slow ROP and required multiple trips.

The 8 1/2-in EnduroBlade bit.
The 8 1/2-in EnduroBlade bit.

What Schlumberger recommended

EnduroBlade bits feature the Enduro 360 rolling diamond cutting element that rotates to disperse heat and wear. The rotating action enables the cutting edges to stay sharper longer, extending bit life beyond the life of PDC bits with flat, fixed PDC cutters.

What was achieved

Using the EnduroBlade bit enabled PTTEP to increase bit durability and boost ROP by an average of 20 ft/h, saving 2.6 days of drilling. In one BHA, the bit drilled the longest interval in the field.

A graph shows how EnduroBlade bit improved ROP compared with a conventional PDC bit.
Using the EnduroBlade bit helped increase ROP and save 2.6 days of on-bottom drilling time.
Thailand, Asia, Onshore

Using EnduroBlade 360 rolling diamond element bit saved PTTEP 2.6 days and USD 123,000 compared with the closest offset.

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