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Flow Assurance Criticalities and Challenges Management in Zohr Gas Field

Published: 10/28/2021

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Flow assurance criticalities and challenges management in Zohr gas field

In this World Oil article, PETROBEL and Schlumberger discuss solutions to overcome flow assurance challenges in the large Zohr gas field, deepwater Egypt. For this project, an integrated multi-phase dynamic model was used to optimize operating procedures for initial well clean-up and ramp-up to production, before first gas, by testing start-up scenarios, given several well and reservoir uncertainties.

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Egypt, Africa
This article originally appeared in the October 2021 edition of World Oil.
Mohamed Salah Elsayed, Samir Zayed, Muhammad Karam Omar, Mohamed Ahmed Tolba, Petrobel; Mohamed Nagy Negm, Hatem Mohamed Darwish, Ola Amr Hussein, Schlumberger
World Oil
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