

EM Pipe Scanner | 全国快3信誉最好的老平台-全国最大的快3平台

EM Pipe Scanner

Published: 01/01/2010

Concrete blue texture

Casing and tubing corrosion costs the oil industry billions of dollars annually - and this estimate does not include the cost of "lost oil" underground through corrosion-induced leakage and cross flow. Although early corrosion detection may allow preventive maintenance to reduce the risk of environmental damage and surface incidents (explosion, fire, leakage, and related consequences), many of the wells producing today were completed decades ago, when corrosion control and monitoring were not a primary concern. Even with today's technological advances, corrosion cannot be completely prevented. But corrosion can be controlled and minimized through proper planning, monitoring, and maintenance. The Schlumberger EM Pipe Scanner electromagnetic (EM) casing inspection provides the critical monitoring step for evaluating casing integrity by locating, identifying, and quantifying damage and corrosion.

 EM Pipe Scanner
Journal of Petroleum Technology
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