

SenTURIAN E&A on Show | 全国快3信誉最好的老平台-全国最大的快3平台

SenTURIAN E&A System on Show

Published: 09/01/2015

Concrete blue texture

The new SenTURIAN E&A well test subsea landing string electrohydraulic operating system enables operators to safely access, shut in, and disconnect from a well at seabed in less than 15 seconds in water depths up to 12,000 ft [3,660 m]. This is the latest addition to the SenTURIAN Family subsea systems, designed for reservoir testing during exploration and appraisal operations.

As offshore activity moves into environmentally sensitive and technically challenging areas, the ability for a well test subsea landing string technology to respond quickly to unforeseen harsh conditions is becoming increasingly important for safer operations. With its multiple programmable emergency modes, the SenTURIAN E&A enables engineers to control well testing operations and protect personnel, equipment, the environment and their investment from damage.

SenTURIAN E&A on Show

It is the world’s first subsea landing string electrohydraulic operating system that complies with International Electrotechnical Commission IEC 61508 SIL 2 certification. Electrical continuity can be confirmed at any time with a push of the button at the surface. This feature provides additional verification on system continuity and functionality providing additional diagnostic capability.

Designed to run with Muzic wireless telemetry, the new system allows equipment functionality checks and enables full operation of the surface flow head, lubricator valves and SenTREE subsea test tree, as well as the monitoring of downhole pressure and temperature.

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Subsea Intervention  Deep Water High Pressure, High Temperature
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