Replace risky hammer unions for connecting high-pressure frac hoses with faster setup, safer clamp system.
Published: 08/19/2022
Published: 08/19/2022
A pumping company wanted to reduce the time to connect frac hoses to the frac pumps and frac missile to maximize daily effective pumping time. The company was using hammer-type unions, which took between 60 and 120 s to connect or disconnect each union, and the heavy sledge hammer required to make the connection represented a safety risk. Furthermore, because the maximum torque for tightening each connection was unknown, connections were made using a subjective perception of tightness.
Cameron, a Schlumberger company, recommended the robust 3-in clamp quick-connect system to accelerate rig-up and pump swapping during operations. The system's single-bolt setup enables setting or unsetting the clamp in a few seconds using a standard torque wrench to predetermined torque value.