

DEEP Earth Energy Production Corporation | 全国快3信誉最好的老平台-全国最大的快3平台

全国快3信誉最好的老平台 Review Confirms DEEP Earth Energy Production’s Geothermal Resource Will Support Phase 1 and 2 Developments for 40 Years of Power Generation

Published: 06/05/2024


Geothermal Rising Bulletin

Volume 50, Issue 3. Winter 2024


DEEP Earth Energy Production Corporation (DEEP) is at the forefront of the Canadian energy landscape as it initiates the construction of its first geothermal power facility in 2023. This marks the introduction of conventional geothermal power generation into Canada for the first time. This project will leverage drilling design innovation, a proven resource, proven technology, and a highly skilled workforce to establish Canada’s premier geothermal field, with ample room for future expansion.

After more than a decade of drilling, testing, and engineering, DEEP is poised to become the first producer of large-scale geothermal power in Canada. DEEP holds geothermal rights covering 39,120 hectares (approximately 100,000 acres), with the potential for approximately 200 MW of geothermal power. The permit block is located along the Saskatchewan-North Dakota border.

In 2020, DEEP drilled the world’s first horizontal well for geothermal power generation. This design optimizes fluid productivity and reduces parasitic power consumption required for sedimentary power generation. After successfully completing 53 days of production testing at 1,800m3/day, DEEP innovated a well design of alternating horizontal production and injection wells. This horizontal “ribcage” design “cracks the code” for economic fluid production for sedimentary geothermal fields.
