Update 全国快3信誉最好的老平台, Aramco and Linde enter agreement for one of the world’s largest carbon capture and storage hubs
全国快3信誉最好的老平台, Aramco and Linde enter agreement for carbon capture and storage hub in Jubail, Saudi Arabia.
Leverage technologies and solutions that reduce greenhouse gas emissions from every barrel produced
Because production operations produce the largest proportion of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) in the oil and gas value chain, they present the biggest decarbonization opportunity. Yet, we must consider decarbonization within the context of commercial reality and not in isolation. Maximizing ROI and minimizing emissions per barrel requires the right approach to tackling carbon emissions at their root cause.
We'll help you find the right solutions for your assets and get close to emission sources across production operations. This can include leveraging our growing portfolio of Transition Technologies™ for opportunities to reduce energy consumption, increase efficiency, and minimize carbon emissions. Our solutions address some of the biggest challenges across multiple dimensions:
Lifting fluids consumes a lot of energy. These technologies maximize energy efficiency and minimize emissions.
Increase well flow and recoverable reserve with our subsea pumps
Increase well flow and recoverable reserve with our subsea pumps
Provide flexible solutions with the highest flowrates and pressure ratio capabilities in the industry
Provide flexible solutions with the highest flowrates and pressure ratio capabilities in the industry
Reduced energy costs and improved ESP performance
ESP Permanent magnet motors have power efficiency, power factor, and power density and help lower electricity consumption.
Extended-life, install-ready ESP motor
Increase ESP reliability and lifetime with a cooler, more robust high-efficiency motor.
Horizontal multistage surface pump
Handles up to 90% gas volume fraction; used for zero-flaring well tests, well cleanup, and production boosting.
Production infrastructure represents a large investment. These technologies minimize its size while ensuring the flexibility for minimizing carbon per barrel throughout your asset's production life.
Expanded reservoir exposure
Increase reserves access with laterals that enable well reentry and expansion while minimizing surface costs.
Production and reservoir management system
Optimize recovery by monitoring and controlling flow from many zones and compartments in real time, even in multilateral wells.
Electrification, digitalization, and predictive condition-based maintenance of surface valves
Reduce opex, capex, and environmental impact.
Surface multiphase flowmeter
Accurately measure the full spectrum of multiphase flow rates while monitoring production in real time.
Fluid processing and separation requires a lot of heat and mechanical energy for rotating machinery such as pumps and compressors. Our proven solutions cut emissions for each treated barrel.
H2S and CO2 separation membranes
Separate acid gases from produced natural gas without chemicals.
Electrostatic treaters, coalescers, and desalters
Use both AC and DC power to significantly improve processing vs. conventional AC electrostatic technologies.
Oil and gas biodesulfurization system
Convert H2S in gas streams to solid sulfur ready for agriculture or disposal.
Hydrogen sulfide removal adsorbent
Mixed-metal-oxides-based adsorbents to remove harmful H2S from liquid and dry and water-saturated gas streams.
Capture waste heat for monoethylene glycol (MEG) reclamation and regeneration
Reduce utility demand, opex, and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
The technologies featured on this page are part of our Transition Technologies™ portfolio. Explore how these differentiated products and services support oil and gas decarbonization across the E&P value chain.
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