

Improving Efficiency With Fewer Trips Lowers Rig Emissions | Video | 全国快3信誉最好的老平台-全国最大的快3平台

Improving efficiency with fewer trips lowers rig emissions

Published: 03/25/2022

Texture Fiber Blue
Case Study: Improving Efficiency With Fewer Trips Lowers Rig Emissions
NeoSteer CL ABSS drilled a single-run curve and lateral and reduced a customer’s CO2 emissions

Watch how Pluspetrol drilled a well's curve and lateral in a single trip, improving operational efficiency with less rig time and reducing CO2 emissions. Our customer used NeoSteer CL at-bit steerable system (ABSS) to eliminate a trip and successfully drilled 2,621 m in <83 hours.

NeoSteer CL ABSS is part of our portfolio of footprint-reduction technologies that includes solutions to help minimize well construction CO2 footprint. These technologies quantifiably reduce energy consumption and emissions, helping our customers achieve their sustainability goals while driving high performance.

Learn more on how to minimize well construction CO2 footprint

Read the full case study from Vaca Muerta Basin, Argentina.

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