

Casing Reconnect System: Replace Damaged Casing | Video | 全国快3信誉最好的老平台-全国最大的快3平台

Casing Reconnect System: Replace Damaged Casing

Published: 08/20/2021

Casing Reconnect metal-to-metal gas-tight casing repair system
Replace Damaged Casing
Metal-to-metal, gas-tight casing repair system

When the casing has become worn, corroded, or damaged, it may no longer be possible withstand the pressure test required to complete the well. With the Casing Reconnect system, all the damaged casing can be cut and removed down to the first joint of competent casing, and new casing of the original size and drift can run. The Casing Reconnect system is placed over the cut casing stump and the casing hanger landed. Full metal-to-metal integrity is now restored. Qualified to ISO 14310 and ISO 13679 standards.

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